Traxx Railroad Safety
We are excited to announce the launch of Traxx—a recent Aitch Project.
About Traxx
Traxx is a Kansas City based company committed to providing EIC Contractors (EIC, RWIC, Railroad Flagmen) with the appropriate field training to keep railroad workers safe while maintaining compliance with FRA regulations.
The Relationship
Our relationship with the founders of Traxx began over 17 years ago through an association with a non-profit organization out of Tulsa, OK. It was during this time that we first learned of the their extensive experience and vast knowledge in the railroad industry.
In early 2018 the founders connected with us to request assistance on the launch of a brand new company. As we discussed the opportunity, it became clear that this should be our next Aitch Project.
The Concept
We entered the project on the ground level. Though there was no initial concrete entity name, company brand, or marketing strategy in place, the Traxx team did an incredible job pitching the main objectives for the company.
These objectives include: Teaching new EIC Contractors and training existing EIC Contractors. Ultimately, these two objectives will become two of the three divisions of the company; Teaching, Training, Accountability.
As we began to understand the company’s objective of providing direction, as well as recognizing the founder’s commitment to industry standards, the concept began to take shape.
The company’s name would be Traxx, a creative alternate spelling for “tracks.” Much like the rails of a train track provide a physical and directional path for the locomotive, Traxx provides the educational path to keep contractors and equipment… “On Track For A Brighter, Safer Railroad.”
To visit the TraxxRailroadSafety.com site, click here.
As with many of the projects we accept, hours and hours of consulting, collaborating, and brainstorming took place. With this project we desired to tweak perspective, offer guidance, and give Inspiration to the Traxx team.
Like a locomotive going full speed ahead, we believe they will be unstoppable!
We are excited about their passion for the business and believe that they will Transform Enterprise and Empower Change in their industry, the railroad industry. We can’t wait to see!
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