Vertical Aitch’s purpose is two fold. Its business purpose is to advance the creation of domestic and international business opportunities, while its humanitarian purpose is to advance international humanitarian projects & partnerships. The Humanitarian Division’s existence is at the heart of Vertical Aitch’s purpose.
Vertical Aitch has a vision to empower change by connecting physical aid, financial resources, and forged relationships to existing humanitarian organizations, charities, and foundations.
When looking to support humanitarian opportunities, Vertical Aitch seeks to collaborate with organizations that are proven and transparent. Additionally, we look to partner with organizations that are purposeful with a clear direction and focus for helping the people they serve.
Helping people in need is a humbling opportunity, and approaching it with humility is imperative. Our approach is to listen to individuals, groups, and governments in order to fully understand how to help them achieve their best. But what is their best?
Growing With The Culture
We identify that each culture and people group is at different stages in their cultural growth. When approaching international opportunities, we are careful to not set a strict “standard” that we think each group should come up to. Though we recognize that there are obvious health and basic need issues that unarguably should have standards in place, we believe that each people group should have the opportunity to grow their own culture in the values and beliefs that have helped them get to where they are today. Our goal is to encourage, support, and initiate change in individuals, groups, and governments at the level they are at. Ultimately, we hope to help, but in ways that do not put more on recipients than what they can handle at their current stage of cultural growth. By doing this we aim to grow with the culture rather than making the culture grow to us.

Extending To All
Lastly, we desire to help people from all religions and political backgrounds. Understandably, religion and government are two powerful influencers to consider when working with different countries. We look to approach these areas tactfully and graciously with the expectation of extending peace, hope, and joy; the same peace, hope, and joy that we have been given.